Source code for pylidar.lidarformats.ascii

Driver for ASCII files. Currently uncompressed files with a .dat
or .csv extension are supported. If the ZLIB_ROOT environment 
variable was set at build time, then gzip compressed files with a
.gz extension are also supported.

The user must specify the column names and types
via the COL_TYPES driver option.
For time-sequential files, the PULSE_COLS driver option needs to be
provided so the points can be grouped into pulses.
When PULSE_COLS isn't provided then the file is assumed to be 
non-time-sequential and a pulse is created for each point.

Driver Options

These are contained in the SUPPORTEDOPTIONS module level variable.

| Name                  | Use                                       |
| COL_TYPES             | A numpy style list of tuples defining     |
|                       | the data types of each column. Each tuple |
|                       | should have a name and a numpy dtype.     |
| PULSE_COLS            | A list of fields which define the pulses. |
|                       | The values in the these columns will be   |
|                       | matched and where equal will be put into  |
|                       | one pulse and the other values into the   |
|                       | points for that pulse.                    |
| CLASSIFICATION_CODES  | A list of tuples to translate the codes   |
|                       | used within the file to the               |
|                       | lidarprocessor.CLASSIFICATION_* ones.     |
|                       | Each tuple should have the internalCode   |
|                       | first, then the lidarprocessor code       |
|                       | Codes without a translation will be       |
|                       | copied through without change.            |
| COMMENT_CHAR          | A single character that defines what is   |
|                       | used in the file to denote comments.      |
|                       | Lines that start with this character are  |
|                       | ignored. Defaults to '#'                  |


# This file is part of PyLidar
# Copyright (C) 2015 John Armston, Pete Bunting, Neil Flood, Sam Gillingham
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function, division

import os
import sys
import gzip
import copy
import numpy

from . import generic
from . import gridindexutils

# Fail slightly less drastically when running from ReadTheDocs
if os.getenv('READTHEDOCS', default='False') != 'True':
    from . import _ascii
    HAVE_ZLIB = _ascii.HAVE_ZLIB
    HAVE_ZLIB = False

"driver options"
"necessary driver options"

[docs]class ASCIIFile(generic.LiDARFile): """ Driver for reading ASCII files. Uses the underlying _ascii C++ module. """ def __init__(self, fname, mode, controls, userClass): generic.LiDARFile.__init__(self, fname, mode, controls, userClass) if mode != generic.READ: msg = 'ASCII driver is read only' raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) try: self.typeCode = _ascii.getFileType(fname) except _ascii.error as e: msg = 'cannot open as ASCII file' + str(e) raise generic.LiDARFileException(msg) # check if the options are all valid. Good to check in case of typo. # hard to do this in C for key in userClass.lidarDriverOptions: if key not in SUPPORTEDOPTIONS: msg = '%s not a supported ASCII option' % repr(key) raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) # also check they are all present - we can't read the file otherwise for key in COMPULSARYOPTIONS: if key not in userClass.lidarDriverOptions: msg = 'must provide %s driver option' % key raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) self.pointDTypes = [] self.pulseDTypes = [] idx = 0 pulseCols = [] if 'PULSE_COLS' in userClass.lidarDriverOptions: pulseCols = userClass.lidarDriverOptions['PULSE_COLS'] for name, dtype in userClass.lidarDriverOptions['COL_TYPES']: if name == "NUMBER_OF_RETURNS" or name == "PTS_START_IDX": msg = ("Can't use fields NUMBER_OF_RETURNS or PTS_START_IDX " + "since they are generated") raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) if name in pulseCols: self.pulseDTypes.append((name, dtype, idx)) else: self.pointDTypes.append((name, dtype, idx)) idx += 1 bTimeSequential = len(self.pulseDTypes) > 0 commentChar = '#' if 'COMMENT_CHAR' in userClass.lidarDriverOptions: commentChar = userClass.lidarDriverOptions['COMMENT_CHAR'] # create reader self.reader = _ascii.Reader(fname, self.typeCode, self.pulseDTypes, self.pointDTypes, bTimeSequential, commentChar) self.range = None self.lastRange = None self.lastPoints = None self.lastPulses = None # set our translation codes if 'CLASSIFICATION_CODES' in userClass.lidarDriverOptions: codes = userClass.lidarDriverOptions['CLASSIFICATION_CODES'] for trans in codes: self.classificationTranslation.append(trans)
[docs] @staticmethod def getDriverName(): return 'ASCII'
[docs] def close(self): self.reader = None self.range = None self.lastRange = None self.lastPoints = None self.lastPulses = None
[docs] def hasSpatialIndex(self): """ ASCII files aren't spatially indexed """ return False
[docs] @staticmethod def getHeaderTranslationDict(): """ No header so not really supported. Return empty dict. """ return {}
[docs] def setPulseRange(self, pulseRange): """ Sets the PulseRange object to use for non spatial reads/writes. """ self.range = copy.copy(pulseRange) # return True if we can still read data # we just assume we can until we find out # after a read that we can't return not self.reader.finished
[docs] def readData(self): """ Internal method. Reads all the points and pulses for the current pulse range. """ pulses, points = self.reader.readData(self.range.startPulse, self.range.endPulse) # translate any classifications self.recodeClassification(points, generic.RECODE_TO_LAS) return pulses, points
[docs] def readPointsForRange(self, colNames=None): """ Reads the points for the current range. Returns a 1d array. Returns an empty array if range is outside of the current file. colNames can be a list of column names to return. By default all columns are returned. """ if self.lastRange is None or self.range != self.lastRange: pulses, points = self.readData() self.lastRange = self.range self.lastPoints = points self.lastPulses = pulses return self.subsetColumns(self.lastPoints, colNames)
[docs] def readPulsesForRange(self, colNames=None): """ Reads the pulses for the current range. Returns a 1d array. Returns an empty array if range is outside of the current file. colNames can be a list of column names to return. By default all columns are returned. """ if self.lastRange is None or self.range != self.lastRange: pulses, points = self.readData() self.lastRange = self.range self.lastPoints = points self.lastPulses = pulses return self.subsetColumns(self.lastPulses, colNames)
[docs] def readPointsByPulse(self, colNames=None): """ Read a 3d structured masked array containing the points for each pulse. """ pulses = self.readPulsesForRange() points = self.readPointsForRange() if points.size == 0: return None nReturns = pulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS'] startIdxs = pulses['PTS_START_IDX'] point_idx, point_idx_mask = gridindexutils.convertSPDIdxToReadIdxAndMaskInfo( startIdxs, nReturns) pointsByPulse = points[point_idx] if colNames is None: # workaround - seems a structured array returned from # C doesn't work with masked arrays. The dtype looks different. # TODO: check this with a later numpy colNames = pointsByPulse.dtype.names pointsByPulse = self.subsetColumns(pointsByPulse, colNames) points =, mask=point_idx_mask) return points
[docs] def getTotalNumberPulses(self): """ No idea how to find this out... """ raise generic.LiDARFunctionUnsupported()
[docs] def writeData(self, pulses=None, points=None, transmitted=None, received=None, waveformInfo=None): """ This driver does not support writing so ignore if reading, throw and error otherwise. """ if self.mode == generic.READ: # the processor always calls this so if a reading driver just ignore return msg = 'ASCII driver does not support update/creating' raise generic.LiDARWritingNotSupported(msg)
[docs] def getHeader(self): """ ASCII files have no header """ format = _ascii.FORMAT_NAMES[self.typeCode] return {'format' : format}
[docs] def getHeaderValue(self, name): """ Just extract the one value and return it """ return self.getHeader()[name]
[docs] def readTransmitted(self): """ ASCII (AFAIK) doesn't support transmitted """ return None
[docs] def readReceived(self): """ ASCII (AFAIK) doesn't support received """ return None
[docs] def readWaveformInfo(self): """ ASCII (AFAIK) doesn't support waveforms """ return None
[docs]class ASCIIFileInfo(generic.LiDARFileInfo): """ Class that gets information about a .las file and makes it available as fields. """ def __init__(self, fname): generic.LiDARFileInfo.__init__(self, fname) try: typeCode = _ascii.getFileType(fname) except _ascii.error as e: msg = 'cannot open as ASCII file' + str(e) raise generic.LiDARFileException(msg) self.typeCode = typeCode self.format = _ascii.FORMAT_NAMES[typeCode] # I don't think there is any information we can add here??
[docs] @staticmethod def getDriverName(): return 'ASCII'
[docs] @staticmethod def getHeaderTranslationDict(): """ No header so not really supported. Return empty dict. """ return {}