Source code for pylidar.lidarformats.spdv3

SPD V3 format driver and support functions
# This file is part of PyLidar
# Copyright (C) 2015 John Armston, Pete Bunting, Neil Flood, Sam Gillingham
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function, division

import sys
import copy
import numpy
import h5py
from numba import jit
from rios import pixelgrid
from . import generic
from . import gridindexutils
from . import h5space

PULSE_DTYPE = numpy.dtype([('GPS_TIME', 'u8'), ('PULSE_ID', 'u8'), 
('X_ORIGIN', 'f8'), ('Y_ORIGIN', 'f8'), ('Z_ORIGIN', 'f4'), 
('H_ORIGIN', 'f4'), ('X_IDX', 'f8'), ('Y_IDX', 'f8'), ('AZIMUTH', 'f4'), 
('ZENITH', 'f4'), ('NUMBER_OF_RETURNS', 'u1'), 
('AMPLITUDE_PULSE', 'f4'), ('WIDTH_PULSE', 'f4'), ('USER_FIELD', 'u4'), 
('SOURCE_ID', 'u2'), ('SCANLINE', 'u4'), ('SCANLINE_IDX', 'u2'), 
('WAVELENGTH', 'f4'), ('RECEIVE_WAVE_GAIN', 'f4'), 
('TRANS_WAVE_OFFSET', 'f4'), ('PTS_START_IDX', 'u8'), 
"so we can check the user has passed in expected array type"

POINT_DTYPE = numpy.dtype([('RETURN_ID', 'u1'), ('GPS_TIME', 'f8'), 
('X', 'f8'), ('Y', 'f8'), ('Z', 'f4'), ('HEIGHT', 'f4'), ('RANGE', 'f4'), 
('AMPLITUDE_RETURN', 'f4'), ('WIDTH_RETURN', 'f4'), ('RED', 'u2'), 
('GREEN', 'u2'), ('BLUE', 'u2'), ('CLASSIFICATION', 'u1'), 
('USER_FIELD', 'u4'), ('IGNORE', 'u1'), ('WAVE_PACKET_DESC_IDX', 'i2'), 
"so we can check the user has passed in expected array type"

HEADER_FIELDS = {'AZIMUTH_MAX' : numpy.float64, 'AZIMUTH_MIN' : numpy.float64,
'BANDWIDTHS' : numpy.float32, 'BIN_SIZE' : numpy.float32,
'BLOCK_SIZE_POINT' : numpy.uint16, 'BLOCK_SIZE_PULSE' : numpy.uint16,
'BLOCK_SIZE_RECEIVED' : numpy.uint16, 'BLOCK_SIZE_TRANSMITTED' : numpy.uint16,
'CAPTURE_DAY_OF' : numpy.uint16, 'CAPTURE_HOUR_OF' : numpy.uint16,
'CAPTURE_MINUTE_OF' : numpy.uint16, 'CAPTURE_MONTH_OF' : numpy.uint16,
'CAPTURE_SECOND_OF' : numpy.uint16, 'CAPTURE_YEAR_OF' : numpy.uint16,
'CREATION_DAY_OF' : numpy.uint16, 'CREATION_HOUR_OF' : numpy.uint16,
'CREATION_MINUTE_OF' : numpy.uint16, 'CREATION_MONTH_OF' : numpy.uint16,
'CREATION_SECOND_OF' : numpy.uint16, 'CREATION_YEAR_OF' : numpy.uint16,
'DEFINED_DECOMPOSED_PT' : numpy.int16, 'DEFINED_DISCRETE_PT' : numpy.int16,
'DEFINED_HEIGHT' : numpy.int16, 'DEFINED_ORIGIN' : numpy.int16,
'DEFINED_RECEIVE_WAVEFORM' : numpy.int16, 'DEFINED_RGB' : numpy.int16,
'DEFINED_TRANS_WAVEFORM' : numpy.int16, 'FIELD_OF_VIEW' : numpy.float32,
'FILE_SIGNATURE' : bytes, 'FILE_TYPE' : numpy.uint16,
'GENERATING_SOFTWARE' : bytes, 'INDEX_TYPE' : numpy.uint16,
'NUMBER_BINS_X' : numpy.uint32, 'NUMBER_BINS_Y' : numpy.uint32,
'NUMBER_OF_POINTS' : numpy.uint64, 'NUMBER_OF_PULSES' : numpy.uint64,
'NUM_OF_WAVELENGTHS' : numpy.uint16, 'POINT_DENSITY' : numpy.float32,
'PULSE_ALONG_TRACK_SPACING' : numpy.float32, 
'PULSE_CROSS_TRACK_SPACING' : numpy.float32, 'PULSE_DENSITY' : numpy.float32,
'PULSE_ENERGY' : numpy.float32, 'PULSE_FOOTPRINT' : numpy.float32,
'PULSE_INDEX_METHOD' : numpy.uint16, 'RANGE_MAX' : numpy.float64,
'RANGE_MIN' : numpy.float64, 'RETURN_NUMBERS_SYN_GEN' : numpy.int16,
'SCANLINE_IDX_MAX' : numpy.float64, 'SCANLINE_IDX_MIN' : numpy.float64,
'SCANLINE_MAX' : numpy.float64, 'SCANLINE_MIN' : numpy.float64,
'SENSOR_APERTURE_SIZE' : numpy.float32, 'SENSOR_BEAM_DIVERGENCE' : numpy.float32,
'SENSOR_HEIGHT' : numpy.float64, 'SENSOR_MAX_SCAN_ANGLE' : numpy.float32,
'SENSOR_SCAN_RATE' : numpy.float32, 'SENSOR_SPEED' : numpy.float32,
'VERSION_MAJOR_SPD' : numpy.uint16, 'VERSION_MINOR_SPD' : numpy.uint16,
'VERSION_POINT' : numpy.uint16, 'VERSION_PULSE' : numpy.uint16,
'WAVEFORM_BIT_RES' : numpy.uint16, 'WAVELENGTHS' : numpy.float32,
'X_MAX' : numpy.float64, 'X_MIN' : numpy.float64, 'Y_MAX' : numpy.float64,
'Y_MIN' : numpy.float64, 'ZENITH_MAX' : numpy.float64, 
'ZENITH_MIN' : numpy.float64, 'Z_MAX' : numpy.float64, 'Z_MIN' : numpy.float64}
"Header fields and their types"

"header fields that are actually arrays"

SPDV3_SI_COUNT_DTYPE = numpy.uint32
"types for the spatial index"
SPDV3_SI_INDEX_DTYPE = numpy.uint64
"types for the spatial index"

"types of indexing in the file"
"types of indexing in the file"
"types of indexing in the file"
"types of indexing in the file"
"types of indexing in the file"

"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"
"classification codes"

POINTS_HEADER_UPDATE_DICT = {'X' : ('X_MIN', 'X_MAX'), 'Y' : ('Y_MIN', 'Y_MAX'),
        'Z' : ('Z_MIN', 'Z_MAX'), 'RANGE' : ('RANGE_MIN', 'RANGE_MAX')}
"for updating the header"
"for updating the header"

"Translation of header field names"

[docs]class SPDV3File(generic.LiDARFile): """ Class to support reading and writing of SPD Version 3.x files. Uses h5py to handle access to the underlying HDF5 file. """ def __init__(self, fname, mode, controls, userClass): generic.LiDARFile.__init__(self, fname, mode, controls, userClass) # TODO: disable the creation of SPDV3 files until # more testing is done if mode == generic.CREATE: msg = 'Cannot create SPDV3 files' raise generic.LiDARWritingNotSupported(msg) # convert mode into h5py mode string if mode == generic.READ: h5py_mode = 'r' elif mode == generic.UPDATE: h5py_mode = 'r+' elif mode == generic.CREATE: h5py_mode = 'w' else: raise ValueError('Unknown value for mode parameter') # attempt to open the file try: self.fileHandle = h5py.File(fname, h5py_mode) except (OSError, IOError) as err: # always seems to through an OSError # found another one! raise generic.LiDARFormatNotUnderstood(str(err)) # check that it is indeed the right version # and get header if mode == generic.READ or mode == generic.UPDATE: if 'HEADER' not in self.fileHandle: msg = "File appears not to be SPD V3" raise generic.LiDARFormatNotUnderstood(msg) header = self.fileHandle['HEADER'] headerKeys = header.keys() if (not 'VERSION_MAJOR_SPD' in headerKeys or not 'VERSION_MINOR_SPD' in headerKeys): msg = "File appears not to be SPD V3" raise generic.LiDARFormatNotUnderstood(msg) elif header['VERSION_MAJOR_SPD'][0] != 2: msg = "File seems to be wrong version for this driver" raise generic.LiDARFormatNotUnderstood(msg) self.headerDict = self.convertHeaderToDictionary(header) self.headerUpdated = False else: # just create a blank dictionary with the right names self.headerDict = {} for key in HEADER_FIELDS: cls = HEADER_FIELDS[key] # blank value - 0 for numbers, '' for strings if key in HEADER_ARRAY_FIELDS: self.headerDict[key] = numpy.array([cls()]) else: self.headerDict[key] = cls() # set the MIN and MAX fields to the max and min values # possible so we notice if they are not set and we can update # appriately for updateKey in POINTS_HEADER_UPDATE_DICT.keys(): minKey, maxKey = POINTS_HEADER_UPDATE_DICT[updateKey] info = numpy.finfo(HEADER_FIELDS[minKey]) # note order self.headerDict[maxKey] = info.min self.headerDict[minKey] = info.max for updateKey in PULSES_HEADER_UPDATE_DICT.keys(): minKey, maxKey = PULSES_HEADER_UPDATE_DICT[updateKey] info = numpy.finfo(HEADER_FIELDS[minKey]) self.headerDict[maxKey] = info.min self.headerDict[minKey] = info.max self.headerUpdated = False # read in the bits I need for the spatial index # need to handle case where SPDV3 does not have an index if mode == generic.READ or mode == generic.UPDATE: if 'INDEX' in self.fileHandle: indexKeys = self.fileHandle['INDEX'].keys() if 'PLS_PER_BIN' in indexKeys and 'BIN_OFFSETS' in indexKeys: self.si_cnt = self.fileHandle['INDEX']['PLS_PER_BIN'][...] self.si_idx = self.fileHandle['INDEX']['BIN_OFFSETS'][...] self.si_binSize = header['BIN_SIZE'][0] # also check the type of indexing used on this file self.indexType = header['INDEX_TYPE'][0] if self.indexType == SPDV3_INDEX_CARTESIAN: self.si_xMin = header['X_MIN'][0] self.si_yMax = header['Y_MAX'][0] self.si_xPulseColName = 'X_IDX' self.si_yPulseColName = 'Y_IDX' elif self.indexType == SPDV3_INDEX_SPHERICAL: self.si_xMin = header['AZIMUTH_MIN'][0] self.si_yMax = header['ZENITH_MIN'][0] self.si_xPulseColName = 'AZIMUTH' self.si_yPulseColName = 'ZENITH' elif self.indexType == SPDV3_INDEX_SCAN: self.si_xMin = header['SCANLINE_IDX_MIN'][0] self.si_yMax = header['SCANLINE_MIN'][0] self.si_xPulseColName = 'SCANLINE_IDX' self.si_yPulseColName = 'SCANLINE' else: msg = 'Unsupported index type %d' % self.indexType raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) # bottom right coords don't seem right (of data rather than si) self.si_xMax = self.si_xMin + (self.si_idx.shape[1] * self.si_binSize) self.si_yMin = self.si_yMax - (self.si_idx.shape[0] * self.si_binSize) self.wkt = header['SPATIAL_REFERENCE'][0] if sys.version_info[0] == 3: self.wkt = self.wkt.decode() else: self.si_cnt = None self.si_idx = None self.si_binSize = None self.indexType = None self.si_xMin = None self.si_yMax = None self.si_xMax = None self.si_yMin = None self.si_xPulseColName = None self.si_yPulseColName = None self.wkt = None else: # no spatial index self.si_cnt = None self.si_idx = None self.si_binSize = None self.indexType = None self.si_xMin = None self.si_yMax = None self.si_xMax = None self.si_yMin = None self.si_xPulseColName = None self.si_yPulseColName = None self.wkt = None else: # set on setPixelGrid self.si_cnt = None self.si_idx = None self.si_binSize = None self.si_xMin = None self.si_yMax = None self.si_xMax = None self.si_yMin = None self.wkt = None # so we can be clever about when to read from disk # the following is for caching reads so we don't need to # keep re-reading each time the user asks. Also handy since # reading points requires pulses etc self.lastExtent = None self.lastPulseRange = None self.lastPoints = None self.lastPulses = None # the current extent or range for data being read self.extent = None self.pulseRange = None # h5space.H5Space self.lastPointsSpace = None # index to turn into 2d pointsbypulse self.lastPoints_Idx = None # mask for 2d pointsbypulse self.lastPoints_IdxMask = None # h5space.H5Space self.lastPulsesSpace = None # index to turn into 3d pulsebybins self.lastPulses_Idx = None # mask for 3d pulsebybins self.lastPulses_IdxMask = None # index to turn into 3d pointsbybins self.lastPoints3d_Idx = None # mask for 3d pointsbybins self.lastPoints3d_IdxMask = None # mask of the points within the current extent # since the spatial index is on the pulses, points can be outside self.lastPoints3d_InRegionMask = None # needs sorting also self.lastPoints3d_InRegionSort = None # h5space.H5Space self.lastTransSpace = None # index to turn into 2d transbypulses self.lastTrans_Idx = None # mask for 2d transbypulses self.lastTrans_IdxMask = None # h5space.H5Space self.lastRecvSpace = None # index to turn into 2d recvbypulses self.lastRecv_Idx = None # mask for 2d recvbypulses self.lastRecv_IdxMask = None self.pixGrid = None self.extentAlignedWithSpatialIndex = True self.unalignedWarningGiven = False # set up list for conversion of CLASSIFICATION column self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_CREATED, generic.CLASSIFICATION_CREATED)) self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_GROUND, generic.CLASSIFICATION_GROUND)) self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_LOWVEGE, generic.CLASSIFICATION_LOWVEGE)) self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_MEDVEGE, generic.CLASSIFICATION_MEDVEGE)) self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_HIGHVEGE, generic.CLASSIFICATION_HIGHVEGE)) self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_BUILDING, generic.CLASSIFICATION_BUILDING)) self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_WATER, generic.CLASSIFICATION_WATER)) self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_TRUNK, generic.CLASSIFICATION_TRUNK)) self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_FOLIAGE, generic.CLASSIFICATION_FOLIAGE)) self.classificationTranslation.append((SPDV3_CLASSIFICATION_BRANCH, generic.CLASSIFICATION_BRANCH))
[docs] @staticmethod def convertHeaderToDictionary(header): """ Static method to convert the header returned by h5py into a normal dictionary """ dict = {} headerKeys = header.keys() for key in headerKeys: value = header[key][...] if len(value) == 1 and key not in HEADER_ARRAY_FIELDS: value = value[0] if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode() dict[key] = value return dict
[docs] @staticmethod def getDriverName(): """ Name of this driver """ return "SPDV3"
[docs] @staticmethod def getTranslationDict(arrayType): """ Translation dictionary between formats """ dict = {} if arrayType == generic.ARRAY_TYPE_POINTS: dict[generic.FIELD_POINTS_RETURN_NUMBER] = 'RETURN_ID' elif arrayType == generic.ARRAY_TYPE_PULSES: dict[generic.FIELD_PULSES_TIMESTAMP] = 'GPS_TIME' return dict
[docs] @staticmethod def getHeaderTranslationDict(): """ Return dictionary with non-standard header names """ return HEADER_TRANSLATION_DICT
[docs] def getPixelGrid(self): """ Return the pixel grid of this spatial index. """ if self.si_idx is not None: if self.pixGrid is None: pixGrid = pixelgrid.PixelGridDefn(projection=self.wkt, xMin=self.si_xMin, xMax=self.si_xMax, yMin=self.si_yMin, yMax=self.si_yMax, xRes=self.si_binSize, yRes=self.si_binSize) # cache it self.pixGrid = copy.copy(pixGrid) else: # return cache pixGrid = copy.copy(self.pixGrid) else: # no spatial index - no pixgrid pixGrid = None return pixGrid
[docs] def setPixelGrid(self, pixGrid): """ Set the pixel grid on creation or update """ if self.mode == generic.READ: msg = 'Can only set new pixel grid when updating or creating' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) self.si_binSize = pixGrid.xRes self.si_xMin = pixGrid.xMin self.si_yMax = pixGrid.yMax self.si_xMax = pixGrid.xMax self.si_yMin = pixGrid.yMin self.wkt = pixGrid.projection # create spatial index - assume existing one (if it exists) # is invalid. This function is only called for spatial processing anyway. if self.userClass.writeSpatialIndex: (nrows, ncols) = pixGrid.getDimensions() self.si_cnt = numpy.zeros((ncols, nrows), dtype=SPDV3_SI_COUNT_DTYPE) self.si_idx = numpy.zeros((ncols, nrows), dtype=SPDV3_SI_INDEX_DTYPE) # cache it self.pixGrid = pixGrid
[docs] def setExtent(self, extent): """ Set the extent to use for the ForExtent() functions. """ if not self.hasSpatialIndex(): msg = 'Format has no spatial Index. Processing must be done non-spatially' raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) self.extent = extent # need to check that the given extent is on the same grid as the # spatial index. If not a new spatial index will have to be calculated # for each block before we can access the data. totalPixGrid = self.getPixelGrid() extentPixGrid = pixelgrid.PixelGridDefn(xMin=extent.xMin, xMax=extent.xMax, yMin=extent.yMin, yMax=extent.yMax, xRes=extent.binSize, yRes=extent.binSize, projection=totalPixGrid.projection) self.extentAlignedWithSpatialIndex = ( extentPixGrid.alignedWith(totalPixGrid) and extent.binSize == totalPixGrid.xRes) if (not self.extentAlignedWithSpatialIndex and not self.unalignedWarningGiven): msg = """Extent not on same grid or resolution as file. spatial index will be recomputed on the fly""" self.controls.messageHandler(msg, generic.MESSAGE_INFORMATION) self.unalignedWarningGiven = True
[docs] def readPointsForExtent(self, colNames=None): """ Read out the points for the given extent as a 1d structured array. """ # returned cached if possible if (self.lastExtent is not None and self.lastExtent == self.extent and not self.lastPoints is None): return self.subsetColumns(self.lastPoints, colNames) # this should also return anything cached pulses = self.readPulsesForExtent() nReturns = pulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS'] startIdxs = pulses['PTS_START_IDX'] nOut = self.fileHandle['DATA']['POINTS'].shape[0] point_space, point_idx, point_idx_mask = gridindexutils.convertSPDIdxToReadIdxAndMaskInfo( startIdxs, nReturns, nOut) points =['DATA']['POINTS']) # translate any classifications self.recodeClassification(points, generic.RECODE_TO_LAS, colNames) # self.lastExtent updated in readPulsesForExtent() # keep these indices from pulses to points - handy for the indexing # functions. self.lastPointsSpace = point_space self.lastPoints = points self.lastPoints_Idx = point_idx self.lastPoints_IdxMask = point_idx_mask return self.subsetColumns(points, colNames)
[docs] def readPulsesForExtent(self, colNames=None): """ Return the pulses for the given extent as a 1d structured array """ # returned cached if possible if (self.lastExtent is not None and self.lastExtent == self.extent and not self.lastPulses is None): return self.subsetColumns(self.lastPulses, colNames) # snap the extent to the grid of the spatial index pixGrid = self.getPixelGrid() if self.extentAlignedWithSpatialIndex: xMin = self.extent.xMin xMax = self.extent.xMax yMin = self.extent.yMin yMax = self.extent.yMax else: xMin = gridindexutils.snapToGrid(self.extent.xMin, pixGrid.xMin, pixGrid.xRes, gridindexutils.SNAPMETHOD_LESS) xMax = gridindexutils.snapToGrid(self.extent.xMax, pixGrid.xMax, pixGrid.xRes, gridindexutils.SNAPMETHOD_GREATER) yMin = gridindexutils.snapToGrid(self.extent.yMin, pixGrid.yMin, pixGrid.yRes, gridindexutils.SNAPMETHOD_LESS) yMax = gridindexutils.snapToGrid(self.extent.yMax, pixGrid.yMax, pixGrid.yRes, gridindexutils.SNAPMETHOD_GREATER) # size of spatial index we need to read # round() ok since points should already be on the grid, nasty # rounding errors propogated with ceil() nrows = int(numpy.round((yMax - yMin) / self.si_binSize)) ncols = int(numpy.round((xMax - xMin) / self.si_binSize)) # add overlap nrows += (self.controls.overlap * 2) ncols += (self.controls.overlap * 2) # create subset of spatial index to read data into cnt_subset = numpy.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=SPDV3_SI_COUNT_DTYPE) idx_subset = numpy.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=SPDV3_SI_INDEX_DTYPE) imageSlice, siSlice = gridindexutils.getSlicesForExtent(pixGrid, self.si_cnt.shape, self.controls.overlap, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax) # chop out the data if imageSlice is not None and siSlice is not None: cnt_subset[imageSlice] = self.si_cnt[siSlice] idx_subset[imageSlice] = self.si_idx[siSlice] nOut = self.fileHandle['DATA']['PULSES'].shape[0] pulse_space, pulse_idx, pulse_idx_mask = gridindexutils.convertSPDIdxToReadIdxAndMaskInfo( idx_subset, cnt_subset, nOut) pulses =['DATA']['PULSES']) if not self.extentAlignedWithSpatialIndex: # need to recompute subset of spatial index to bins # are aligned with current extent # round() ok since points should already be on the grid, nasty # rounding errors propogated with ceil() nrows = int(numpy.round((self.extent.yMax - self.extent.yMin) / self.extent.binSize)) ncols = int(numpy.round((self.extent.xMax - self.extent.xMin) / self.extent.binSize)) nrows += (self.controls.overlap * 2) ncols += (self.controls.overlap * 2) mask, sortedbins, new_idx, new_cnt = gridindexutils.CreateSpatialIndex( pulses[self.si_yPulseColName], pulses[self.si_xPulseColName], self.extent.binSize, self.extent.yMax, self.extent.xMin, nrows, ncols, SPDV3_SI_INDEX_DTYPE, SPDV3_SI_COUNT_DTYPE) # ok calculate indices on new spatial indexes pulse_space, pulse_idx, pulse_idx_mask = gridindexutils.convertSPDIdxToReadIdxAndMaskInfo( new_idx, new_cnt, nOut) # re-sort the pulses to match the new spatial index pulses = pulses[mask] pulses = pulses[sortedbins] self.lastExtent = copy.copy(self.extent) self.lastPulses = pulses # keep these indices from spatial index to pulses as they are # handy for the ByBins functions self.lastPulsesSpace = pulse_space self.lastPulses_Idx = pulse_idx self.lastPulses_IdxMask = pulse_idx_mask self.lastPoints = None # are now invalid return self.subsetColumns(pulses, colNames)
[docs] def readPulsesForExtentByBins(self, extent=None, colNames=None): """ Return the pulses as a 3d structured masked array. """ # if they have given us a new extent then use that if extent is not None: oldExtent = self.lastExtent self.setExtent(extent) # go and get the pulses - should returned cached if # already got. pulses = self.readPulsesForExtent() # get these 'last' indices which map spatial index to pulses idx = self.lastPulses_Idx idxMask = self.lastPulses_IdxMask # re-map into 3d pulsesByBins = pulses[idx] # set extent back to the 'normal' one for this block # in case they call this again without the extent param if extent is not None: self.setExtent(oldExtent) # make masked array pulsesByBins = self.subsetColumns(pulsesByBins, colNames) pulses =, mask=idxMask) return pulses
[docs] def readPointsForExtentByBins(self, extent=None, colNames=None, indexByPulse=False, returnPulseIndex=False): """ Return the points as a 3d structured masked array. Note that because the spatial index on a SPDV3 file is on pulses this may miss points that are attached to pulses outside the current extent. If this is a problem then select an overlap large enough. Pass indexByPulse=True to bin the points by the locations of the pulses (using X_IDX and Y_IDX rather than the locations of the points) Pass returnPulseIndex=True to also return a masked 3d array of the indices into the 1d pulse array (as returned by readPulsesForExtent()) """ # if they have given us a new extent then use that if extent is not None: oldExtent = self.lastExtent self.setExtent(extent) # have to spatially index the points # since SPDV3 files have only a spatial index on pulses. points = self.readPointsForExtent() nrows = int((self.lastExtent.yMax - self.lastExtent.yMin) / self.lastExtent.binSize) ncols = int((self.lastExtent.xMax - self.lastExtent.xMin) / self.lastExtent.binSize) # add overlap nrows += (self.controls.overlap * 2) ncols += (self.controls.overlap * 2) xMin = self.lastExtent.xMin - (self.controls.overlap * self.lastExtent.binSize) yMax = self.lastExtent.yMax + (self.controls.overlap * self.lastExtent.binSize) # create point spatial index if indexByPulse: # TODO: check if is there is a better way of going about this # in theory spatial index already exists but may be more work # it is worth to use x_idx = numpy.repeat(self.lastPulses[self.si_xPulseColName], self.lastPulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS']) y_idx = numpy.repeat(self.lastPulses[self.si_yPulseColName], self.lastPulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS']) else: x_idx = points['X'] y_idx = points['Y'] mask, sortedbins, idx, cnt = gridindexutils.CreateSpatialIndex( y_idx, x_idx, self.lastExtent.binSize, yMax, xMin, nrows, ncols, SPDV3_SI_INDEX_DTYPE, SPDV3_SI_COUNT_DTYPE) pts_idx, pts_idx_mask = gridindexutils.convertSPDIdxToReadIdxAndMaskInfo( idx, cnt) points = points[mask] sortedPoints = points[sortedbins] pointsByBins = sortedPoints[pts_idx] # set extent back to the 'normal' one for this block # in case they call this again without the extent param if extent is not None: self.setExtent(oldExtent) self.lastPoints3d_Idx = pts_idx self.lastPoints3d_IdxMask = pts_idx_mask self.lastPoints3d_InRegionMask = mask self.lastPoints3d_InRegionSort = sortedbins pointsByBins = self.subsetColumns(pointsByBins, colNames) points =, mask=pts_idx_mask) if returnPulseIndex: # have to generate array the same lengths as the 1d points # but containing the indexes of the pulses pulse_count = numpy.arange(0, self.lastPulses.size) # convert this into an array with an element for each point pulse_idx_1d = numpy.repeat(pulse_count, self.lastPulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS']) # mask the ones that are within the spatial index pulse_idx_1d = pulse_idx_1d[mask] # sort the right way sortedpulse_idx_1d = pulse_idx_1d[sortedbins] # turn into a 3d in the same way as the points themselves pulse_idx_3d = sortedpulse_idx_1d[pts_idx] # create a masked array pulse_idx_3dmask =, mask=pts_idx_mask) # return 2 things return points, pulse_idx_3dmask else: # just return the points return points
[docs] def readPointsByPulse(self, colNames=None): """ Return a 2d masked structured array of point that matches the pulses. """ if self.controls.spatialProcessing: points = self.readPointsForExtent() else: points = self.readPointsForRange() idx = self.lastPoints_Idx idxMask = self.lastPoints_IdxMask pointsByPulse = points[idx] pointsByPulse = self.subsetColumns(pointsByPulse, colNames) points =, mask=idxMask) return points
[docs] def readWaveformInfo(self): """ Return 2d masked array of information about the waveforms. """ if self.controls.spatialProcessing: pulses = self.readPulsesForExtent() else: pulses = self.readPulsesForRange() trans_gain = pulses['TRANS_WAVE_GAIN'] trans_offset = pulses['TRANS_WAVE_OFFSET'] recv_gain = pulses['RECEIVE_WAVE_GAIN'] recv_offset = pulses['RECEIVE_WAVE_OFFSET'] rangeToStart = pulses['RANGE_TO_WAVEFORM_START'] # create an empty array and copy info in infoDtype = [('TRANS_WAVE_GAIN', trans_gain.dtype), ('TRANS_WAVE_OFFSET', trans_offset.dtype), ('RECEIVE_WAVE_GAIN', recv_gain.dtype), ('RECEIVE_WAVE_OFFSET', recv_offset.dtype), ('RANGE_TO_WAVEFORM_START', rangeToStart.dtype)] info = numpy.empty((1, trans_gain.size), dtype=infoDtype) info[0]['TRANS_WAVE_GAIN'] = trans_gain info[0]['TRANS_WAVE_OFFSET'] = trans_gain info[0]['RECEIVE_WAVE_GAIN'] = trans_gain info[0]['RECEIVE_WAVE_OFFSET'] = trans_gain info[0]['RANGE_TO_WAVEFORM_START'] = rangeToStart # mask where there is no data mask = ((pulses['NUMBER_OF_WAVEFORM_TRANSMITTED_BINS'] == 0) & (pulses['NUMBER_OF_WAVEFORM_RECEIVED_BINS'] == 0)) mask = numpy.expand_dims(mask, axis=0) return, mask=mask)
[docs] def readTransmitted(self): """ Return the 3d masked integer array of transmitted for each of the current pulses. SPDV3 only has 1 transmitted per pulse so the second axis is empty. First axis is waveform bin and last is pulse. """ # TODO: cache? if self.controls.spatialProcessing: pulses = self.readPulsesForExtent() else: pulses = self.readPulsesForRange() idx = pulses['TRANSMITTED_START_IDX'] cnt = pulses['NUMBER_OF_WAVEFORM_TRANSMITTED_BINS'] gain = pulses['TRANS_WAVE_GAIN'] offset = pulses['TRANS_WAVE_OFFSET'] nOut = self.fileHandle['DATA']['TRANSMITTED'].shape[0] trans_space, trans_idx, trans_idx_mask = gridindexutils.convertSPDIdxToReadIdxAndMaskInfo( idx, cnt, nOut) transmitted =['DATA']['TRANSMITTED']) # add a dummy axis trans_idx = numpy.expand_dims(trans_idx, 1) trans_idx_mask = numpy.expand_dims(trans_idx_mask, 1) # reshape transByPulse = transmitted[trans_idx] # apply scaling transByPulse = (transByPulse / gain) + offset # create masked array trans_masked =, mask=trans_idx_mask) self.lastTransSpace = trans_space self.lastTrans_Idx = trans_idx self.lastTrans_IdxMask = trans_idx_mask return trans_masked
[docs] def readReceived(self): """ Return the 3d masked integer array of received for each of the current pulses. SPDV3 only has 1 transmitted per pulse so the second axis is empty. First axis is waveform bin and last is pulse. """ # TODO: cache? if self.controls.spatialProcessing: pulses = self.readPulsesForExtent() else: pulses = self.readPulsesForRange() idx = pulses['RECEIVED_START_IDX'] cnt = pulses['NUMBER_OF_WAVEFORM_RECEIVED_BINS'] gain = pulses['RECEIVE_WAVE_GAIN'] offset = pulses['RECEIVE_WAVE_OFFSET'] nOut = self.fileHandle['DATA']['RECEIVED'].shape[0] recv_space, recv_idx, recv_idx_mask = gridindexutils.convertSPDIdxToReadIdxAndMaskInfo( idx, cnt, nOut) received =['DATA']['RECEIVED']) # add a dummy axis recv_idx = numpy.expand_dims(recv_idx, 1) recv_idx_mask = numpy.expand_dims(recv_idx_mask, 1) # reshape recvByPulse = received[recv_idx] # apply scaling recvByPulse = (recvByPulse / gain) + offset # create masked array recv_masked =, mask=recv_idx_mask) self.lastRecvSpace = recv_space self.lastRecv_Idx = recv_idx self.lastRecv_IdxMask = recv_idx_mask return recv_masked
[docs] def preparePulsesForWriting(self, pulses): """ Called from writeData(). Massages what the user has passed into something we can write back to the file. """ if pulses.size == 0: return None if pulses.ndim == 3: # must flatten back to be 1d using the indexes # used to create the 3d version (pulsesbybin) if self.mode == generic.UPDATE: flatSize = self.lastPulses_Idx.max() + 1 flatPulses = numpy.empty((flatSize,), gridindexutils.flatten3dMaskedArray(flatPulses, pulses, self.lastPulses_IdxMask, self.lastPulses_Idx) pulses = flatPulses else: # TODO: flatten somehow raise NotImplementedError() if pulses.ndim != 1: msg = 'Pulse array must be either 1d or 3d' raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) if self.mode == generic.UPDATE: # we need these for # 1) inserting missing fields when they have read a subset of them # 2) ensuring that they x and y fields haven't been changed if self.controls.spatialProcessing: origPulses = self.readPulsesForExtent() else: origPulses = self.readPulsesForRange() for locField in (self.si_xPulseColName, self.si_yPulseColName): if locField in pulses.dtype.fields: if (pulses[locField] != origPulses[locField]).any(): msg = 'Coordinate changed on update' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) if pulses.dtype != PULSE_DTYPE: # passed in array does not have all the fields we need to write # so get the original data read # copy fields from pulses into origPulses for fieldName in pulses.dtype.fields.keys(): origPulses[fieldName] = pulses[fieldName] # change them over so we have the full data pulses = origPulses else: # need to check that passed in data has all the required fields if pulses.dtype != PULSE_DTYPE: msg = 'Pulse array does not have all the required fields' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) if self.extent is not None and self.controls.spatialProcessing: # if we doing spatial index we need to strip out areas in the overlap # self.extent is the size of the block without the overlap # so just strip out everything outside of it mask = ( (pulses[self.si_xPulseColName] >= self.extent.xMin) & (pulses[self.si_xPulseColName] < self.extent.xMax) & (pulses[self.si_yPulseColName] > self.extent.yMin) & (pulses[self.si_yPulseColName] <= self.extent.yMax)) pulses = pulses[mask] self.lastPulsesSpace.updateBoolArray(mask) return pulses
[docs] def preparePointsForWriting(self, points, pulses): """ Called from writeData(). Massages what the user has passed into something we can write back to the file. """ if points.size == 0: return None origPointsDims = points.ndim if points.ndim == 3: # must flatten back to be 1d using the indexes # used to create the 3d version (pointsbybin) if self.mode == generic.UPDATE: flatSize = self.lastPoints3d_Idx.max() + 1 flatPoints = numpy.empty((flatSize,), gridindexutils.flatten3dMaskedArray(flatPoints, points, self.lastPoints3d_IdxMask, self.lastPoints3d_Idx) points = flatPoints else: # TODO: flatten somehow raise NotImplementedError() if points.ndim == 2: # must flatten back to be 1d using the indexes # used to create the 2d version (pointsbypulses) if self.mode == generic.UPDATE: flatSize = self.lastPoints_Idx.max() + 1 flatPoints = numpy.empty((flatSize,), gridindexutils.flatten2dMaskedArray(flatPoints, points, self.lastPoints_IdxMask, self.lastPoints_Idx) points = flatPoints else: # TODO: flatten somehow raise NotImplementedError() if points.ndim != 1: msg = 'Point array must be either 1d, 2 or 3d' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) if self.mode == generic.UPDATE: # put back in the order we read so fields # line up and spatial index still works # the points have been re-ordered by binning if self.controls.spatialProcessing and origPointsDims == 3: sortedPointsundo = numpy.empty_like(points) gridindexutils.unsortArray(points, self.lastPoints3d_InRegionSort, sortedPointsundo) points = sortedPointsundo x_idx = numpy.repeat(self.lastPulses[self.si_xPulseColName], self.lastPulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS']) y_idx = numpy.repeat(self.lastPulses[self.si_yPulseColName], self.lastPulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS']) mask = ( (x_idx >= self.extent.xMin) & (x_idx < self.extent.xMax) & (y_idx > self.extent.yMin) & (y_idx <= self.extent.yMax)) # strip out the points connected with pulses that were # originally outside # the window and within the overlap. mask = mask[self.lastPoints3d_InRegionMask] self.lastPointsSpace.updateBoolArray(self.lastPoints3d_InRegionMask) points = points[mask] self.lastPointsSpace.updateBoolArray(mask) if points.dtype != POINT_DTYPE: # we need these for # 1) inserting missing fields when they have read a subset of them if self.controls.spatialProcessing: origPoints = self.readPointsForExtent() else: origPoints = self.readPointsForRange() if self.controls.spatialProcessing: if origPointsDims == 3: # just the ones that are within the region # this makes the length of origPoints the same as # that returned by pointsbybins flattened origPoints = origPoints[self.lastPoints3d_InRegionMask] origPoints = origPoints[mask] # passed in array does not have all the fields we need to write # so get the original data read for fieldName in points.dtype.fields.keys(): origPoints[fieldName] = points[fieldName] #change them over so we have the full data points = origPoints else: # need to check that passed in data has all the required fields if points.dtype != POINT_DTYPE: msg = 'Point array does not have all the required fields' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) # strip points outside extent in this case if self.controls.spatialProcessing: x_idx = numpy.repeat(pulses[self.si_xPulseColName], pulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS']) y_idx = numpy.repeat(pulses[self.si_yPulseColName], pulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS']) mask = ( (x_idx >= self.extent.xMin) & (x_idx < self.extent.xMax) & (y_idx > self.extent.yMin) & (y_idx <= self.extent.yMax)) points = points[mask] # translate any classifications self.recodeClassification(points, generic.RECODE_TO_DRIVER) return points
[docs] def prepareTransmittedForWriting(self, transmitted, waveformInfo): """ Called from writeData(). Massages what the user has passed into something we can write back to the file. """ if transmitted.size == 0: return None if transmitted.ndim != 3: msg = 'transmitted data must be 3d' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) if self.mode == generic.UPDATE: origShape = transmitted.shape # un scale back to DN offset = waveformInfo[0]['TRANS_WAVE_OFFSET'] gain = waveformInfo[0]['TRANS_WAVE_GAIN'] transmitted = (transmitted - offset) * gain # flatten it back to 1d so it can be written flatSize = self.lastTrans_Idx.max() + 1 flatTrans = numpy.empty((flatSize,), gridindexutils.flatten3dMaskedArray(flatTrans, transmitted, self.lastTrans_IdxMask, self.lastTrans_Idx) transmitted = flatTrans # mask out those in the overlap using the pulses if self.controls.spatialProcessing: origPulses = self.readPulsesForExtent() mask = ( (origPulses[self.si_xPulseColName] >= self.extent.xMin) & (origPulses[self.si_xPulseColName] < self.extent.xMax) & (origPulses[self.si_yPulseColName] > self.extent.yMin) & (origPulses[self.si_yPulseColName] <= self.extent.yMax) ) # Repeat the mask so that it is the same shape as the # original transmitted and then flatten in the same way # we can then remove the transmitted outside the extent. # We can't do this earlier since removing from transmitted # would mean the above flattening trick won't work. mask = numpy.expand_dims(mask, axis=0) mask = numpy.expand_dims(mask, axis=0) mask = numpy.repeat(mask, origShape[1], axis=2) flatMask = numpy.empty((flatSize,), dtype=mask.dtype) gridindexutils.flatten3dMaskedArray(flatMask, mask, self.lastTrans_IdxMask, self.lastTrans_Idx) transmitted = transmitted[flatMask] self.lastTransSpace.updateBoolArray(flatMask) else: raise NotImplementedError() return transmitted
[docs] def prepareReceivedForWriting(self, received, waveformInfo): """ Called from writeData(). Massages what the user has passed into something we can write back to the file. """ if received.size == 0: return None if received.ndim != 3: msg = 'received data must be 3d' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) if self.mode == generic.UPDATE: origShape = received.shape # un scale back to DN offset = waveformInfo[0]['RECEIVE_WAVE_OFFSET'] gain = waveformInfo[0]['RECEIVE_WAVE_GAIN'] received = (received - offset) * gain # flatten it back to 1d so it can be written flatSize = self.lastRecv_Idx.max() + 1 flatRecv = numpy.empty((flatSize,), gridindexutils.flatten3dMaskedArray(flatRecv, received, self.lastRecv_IdxMask, self.lastRecv_Idx) received = flatRecv # mask out those in the overlap using the pulses if self.controls.spatialProcessing: origPulses = self.readPulsesForExtent() mask = ( (origPulses[self.si_xPulseColName] >= self.extent.xMin) & (origPulses[self.si_xPulseColName] < self.extent.xMax) & (origPulses[self.si_yPulseColName] > self.extent.yMin) & (origPulses[self.si_yPulseColName] <= self.extent.yMax)) # Repeat the mask so that it is the same shape as the # original received and then flatten in the same way # we can then remove the received outside the extent. # We can't do this earlier since removing from received # would mean the above flattening trick won't work. mask = numpy.expand_dims(mask, axis=0) mask = numpy.expand_dims(mask, axis=0) mask = numpy.repeat(mask, origShape[1], axis=2) flatMask = numpy.empty((flatSize,), dtype=mask.dtype) gridindexutils.flatten3dMaskedArray(flatMask, mask, self.lastRecv_IdxMask, self.lastRecv_Idx) received = received[flatMask] self.lastRecvSpace.updateBoolArray(flatMask) else: raise NotImplementedError() return received
[docs] def writeData(self, pulses=None, points=None, transmitted=None, received=None, waveformInfo=None): """ Write all the updated data. Pass None for data that do not need to be updated. It is assumed that each parameter has been read by the reading functions """ if self.mode == generic.READ: # the processor always calls this so if a reading driver just ignore return elif self.mode == generic.CREATE: # we only accept new data in a particular form so we can attach # points to pulses if pulses is None and points is None: msg = 'Must provide points and pulses when writing new data' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) if pulses.ndim != 1: msg = 'pulses must be 1d as returned from getPulses' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) if points.ndim != 2: msg = 'points must be 2d as returned from getPointsByPulse' raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) writeWaveformInfo = waveformInfo is not None if writeWaveformInfo and pulses is None: # the waveform info actually lives in the pulses # waveformInfo actually has the same field names # as pulses, so we can just pretend they are the # same the self.preparePulsesForWriting will add the # other fields pulses = writeWaveformInfo # else case is handled below when we know # all the pulses fields exist # so we can unscale the transmitted and received if waveformInfo is None and transmitted is not None or received is not None: waveformInfo = self.readWaveformInfo() if pulses is not None: pulses = self.preparePulsesForWriting(pulses) if writeWaveformInfo: # since waveformInfo takes precedence copy # data into now that preparePulsesForWriting has # ensured all fields exist for name in waveformInfo.dtype.fields.keys(): pulses[name] = waveformInfo[name] if points is not None: points = self.preparePointsForWriting(points, pulses) if transmitted is not None: transmitted = self.prepareTransmittedForWriting(transmitted, waveformInfo) if received is not None: received = self.prepareReceivedForWriting(received, waveformInfo) if self.mode == generic.CREATE: # need to extend the hdf5 dataset before writing # TODO: do pulses always need to be provided? if pulses is not None: oldSize = self.fileHandle['DATA']['PULSES'].shape[0] nPulses = len(pulses) newSize = oldSize + nPulses self.fileHandle['DATA']['PULSES'].resize((newSize,)) if points is not None: oldSize = self.fileHandle['DATA']['POINTS'].shape[0] nPoints = len(points) newSize = oldSize + nPoints self.fileHandle['DATA']['POINTS'].resize((newSize,)) if transmitted is not None: oldSize = self.fileHandle['DATA']['TRANSMITTED'].shape[0] nTrans = len(transmitted) newSize = oldSize + nTrans self.fileHandle['DATA']['TRANSMITTED'].resize((newSize,)) if received is not None: oldSize = self.fileHandle['DATA']['RECEIVED'].shape[0] nRecv = len(received) newSize = oldSize + nRecv self.fileHandle['DATA']['RECEIVED'].resize((newSize,)) raise NotImplementedError() else: if points is not None: ds = self.fileHandle['DATA']['POINTS'] self.lastPointsSpace.write(ds, points) if pulses is not None: ds = self.fileHandle['DATA']['PULSES'] self.lastPulsesSpace.write(ds, pulses) if transmitted is not None: ds = self.fileHandle['DATA']['TRANSMITTED'] self.lastTransSpace.write(ds, transmitted) if received is not None: ds = self.fileHandle['DATA']['RECEIVED'] self.lastRecvSpace.write(ds, received) # we don't update the spatial index # TODO: maybe we should? # update the header with any info that has changed. self.updateHeaderFromData(points, pulses)
[docs] def updateHeaderFromData(self, points, pulses): """ Given some data, updates the _MIN, _MAX etc """ if points is not None and points.size > 0: for key in POINTS_HEADER_UPDATE_DICT.keys(): if key in points.dtype.names: minVal = points[key].min() maxVal = points[key].max() minKey, maxKey = POINTS_HEADER_UPDATE_DICT[key] if minVal < self.headerDict[minKey]: self.headerDict[minKey] = minVal self.headerUpdated = True if maxVal > self.headerDict[maxKey]: self.headerDict[maxKey] = maxVal self.headerUpdated = True if pulses is not None and pulses.size > 0: for key in PULSES_HEADER_UPDATE_DICT.keys(): if key in pulses.dtype.names: minVal = pulses[key].min() maxVal = pulses[key].max() minKey, maxKey = PULSES_HEADER_UPDATE_DICT[key] if minVal < self.headerDict[minKey]: self.headerDict[minKey] = minVal self.headerUpdated = True if maxVal > self.headerDict[maxKey]: self.headerDict[maxKey] = maxVal self.headerUpdated = True
[docs] def hasSpatialIndex(self): """ Return True if we have a spatial index. """ return self.si_cnt is not None
# The functions below are for when there is no spatial index.
[docs] def setPulseRange(self, pulseRange): """ Set the range of pulses to read """ # copy it so we can change the values if beyond the # range of data self.pulseRange = copy.copy(pulseRange) nTotalPulses = self.getTotalNumberPulses() bMore = True if self.pulseRange.startPulse >= nTotalPulses: # no data to read self.pulseRange.startPulse = 0 self.pulseRange.endPulse = 0 bMore = False elif self.pulseRange.endPulse >= nTotalPulses: self.pulseRange.endPulse = nTotalPulses return bMore
[docs] def readPointsForRange(self, colNames=None): """ Read all the points for the specified range of pulses """ if (self.lastPulseRange is not None and self.lastPulseRange == self.pulseRange and self.lastPoints is not None): return self.subsetColumns(self.lastPoints, colNames) # this should return anything cached pulses = self.readPulsesForRange() nReturns = pulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS'] startIdxs = pulses['PTS_START_IDX'] nOut = self.fileHandle['DATA']['POINTS'].shape[0] point_space, point_idx, point_idx_mask = gridindexutils.convertSPDIdxToReadIdxAndMaskInfo( startIdxs, nReturns, nOut) points =['DATA']['POINTS']) # translate any classifications self.recodeClassification(points, generic.RECODE_TO_LAS, colNames) # keep these indices from pulses to points - handy for the indexing # functions. self.lastPoints = points self.lastPointsSpace = point_space self.lastPoints_Idx = point_idx self.lastPoints_IdxMask = point_idx_mask # self.lastPulseRange copied in readPulsesForRange() return self.subsetColumns(points, colNames)
[docs] def readPulsesForRange(self, colNames=None): """ Read the specified range of pulses """ if (self.lastPulseRange is not None and self.lastPulseRange == self.pulseRange and self.lastPulses is not None): return self.subsetColumns(self.lastPulses, colNames) size = self.fileHandle['DATA']['PULSES'].shape[0] space = h5space.createSpaceFromRange(self.pulseRange.startPulse, self.pulseRange.endPulse, size) pulses =['DATA']['PULSES']) self.lastPulses = pulses self.lastPulsesSpace = space self.lastPulseRange = copy.copy(self.pulseRange) self.lastPoints = None # now invalid return self.subsetColumns(pulses, colNames)
[docs] def getTotalNumberPulses(self): """ Return the total number of pulses """ return self.fileHandle['DATA']['PULSES'].shape[0]
[docs] def getHeader(self): """ Return our cached dictionary """ return self.headerDict
[docs] def setHeader(self, newHeaderDict): """ Update our cached dictionary """ if self.mode == generic.READ: msg = 'Can only set header values on read or create' raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) for key in newHeaderDict.keys(): if key not in self.headerDict: msg = 'Header field %s not supported in SPDV3 files' % key raise ValueError(msg) self.headerDict[key] = newHeaderDict[key] self.headerUpdated = True
[docs] def getHeaderValue(self, name): """ Just extract the one value and return it """ return self.headerDict[name]
[docs] def setHeaderValue(self, name, value): """ Just update one value in the header """ if self.mode == generic.READ: msg = 'Can only set header values on read or create' raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) if name not in self.headerDict: msg = 'Header field %s not supported in SPDV3 files' % name raise ValueError(msg) self.headerDict[name] = value self.headerUpdated = True
[docs] def getNativeDataType(self, colName, arrayType): """ Return the native dtype (numpy.int16 etc)that a column is stored as internally. Provided so scaling can be adjusted when translating between formats. arrayType is one of the lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_* constants """ if arrayType == generic.ARRAY_TYPE_PULSES: if colName in PULSE_DTYPE.fields: return PULSE_DTYPE.fields[colName][0] else: raise generic.LiDARArrayColumnError('column not found') elif arrayType == generic.ARRAY_TYPE_POINTS: if colName in POINT_DTYPE.fields: return POINT_DTYPE.fields[colName][0] else: raise generic.LiDARArrayColumnError('column not found') else: # we don't really have waveform info dtype since we # don't write it to file raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting('Unsupported array type')
[docs] def close(self): """ Write out the spatial index, header and close file handle. """ # header - note values reladed to spatial index may be overwritten # with the correct values below if self.mode == generic.CREATE or (self.headerUpdated and self.mode == generic.UPDATE): # loop through the dictionary we have cached and # ensure correct type and write out for key in self.headerDict: value = self.headerDict[key] # convert to correct type cls = HEADER_FIELDS[key] try: if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and cls == bytes: value = value.encode() value = cls(value) except ValueError: msg = "Unable to convert field %s to the expected type" msg = msg % key raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) if key in HEADER_ARRAY_FIELDS and numpy.isscalar(value): value = numpy.array([value]) self.fileHandle['HEADER'][key][...] = value if (self.mode == generic.CREATE and self.userClass.writeSpatialIndex and self.si_cnt is not None): # write out to file self.fileHandle['INDEX']['PLS_PER_BIN'][...] = self.si_cnt self.fileHandle['INDEX']['BIN_OFFSETS'][...] = self.si_idx self.fileHandle['HEADER']['BIN_SIZE'][...] = self.si_binSize self.fileHandle['HEADER']['X_MIN'][...] = self.si_xmin self.fileHandle['HEADER']['Y_MAX'][...] = self.si_ymax self.fileHandle['HEADER']['X_MAX'][...] = self.si_xmax self.fileHandle['HEADER']['Y_MIN'][...] = self.si_ymin self.fileHandle['HEADER']['SPATIAL_REFERENCE'][...] = self.wkt.encode() # close self.fileHandle.close() self.fileHandle = None self.lastExtent = None self.lastPoints = None self.lastPulses = None
[docs]class SPDV3FileInfo(generic.LiDARFileInfo): """ Class that gets information about a SPDV3 file and makes it available as fields. """ def __init__(self, fname): generic.LiDARFileInfo.__init__(self, fname) # attempt to open the file try: fileHandle = h5py.File(fname, 'r') except (OSError, IOError) as err: # always seems to through an OSError raise generic.LiDARFormatNotUnderstood(str(err)) # check that it is indeed the right version if 'HEADER' not in fileHandle: msg = 'File does not appear to be SPD V3' raise generic.LiDARFormatNotUnderstood(msg) header = fileHandle['HEADER'] headerKeys = header.keys() if (not 'VERSION_MAJOR_SPD' in headerKeys or not 'VERSION_MINOR_SPD' in headerKeys): msg = "File appears not to be SPD" raise generic.LiDARFormatNotUnderstood(msg) elif header['VERSION_MAJOR_SPD'][0] != 2: msg = "File seems to be wrong version for this driver" raise generic.LiDARFormatNotUnderstood(msg) # save the header as a dictionary self.header = SPDV3File.convertHeaderToDictionary(header) # pull a few things out to the top level self.wkt = self.header['SPATIAL_REFERENCE'] self.zMax = self.header['Z_MAX'] self.zMin = self.header['Z_MIN'] self.wavelengths = self.header['WAVELENGTHS'] self.bandwidths = self.header['BANDWIDTHS'] self.hasSpatialIndex = 'INDEX' in fileHandle # probably other things too
[docs] @staticmethod def getDriverName(): """ Name of this driver """ return "SPDV3"
[docs] @staticmethod def getHeaderTranslationDict(): """ Return dictionary with non-standard header names """ return HEADER_TRANSLATION_DICT