Source code for pylidar.toolbox.canopy.voxel_hancock2016

Functions for voxelization of TLS scans (Hancock et al., 2016)

# This file is part of PyLidar
# Copyright (C) 2015 John Armston, Pete Bunting, Neil Flood, Sam Gillingham
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function, division

import os
import numpy
import collections
from numba import jit

from pylidar.toolbox import spatial
from pylidar.toolbox.canopy import canopycommon
from pylidar import lidarprocessor


[docs]def classify_voxels(hits, miss, occl, classification, ground=None): """ Classification of voxels Class Value Hits Misses Occluded Observed 5 >0 >=0 >=0 Empty 4 =0 >0 >=0 Hidden 3 =0 =0 >0 Unobserved 2 =0 =0 =0 Ground 1 """ class_tmp = numpy.zeros_like(classification) mask = (hits > 0) & (miss >= 0) & (occl >= 0) class_tmp[mask] = 5 mask = (hits == 0) & (miss > 0) & (occl >= 0) class_tmp[mask] = 4 mask = (hits == 0) & (miss == 0) & (occl > 0) class_tmp[mask] = 3 mask = (hits == 0) & (miss == 0) & (occl == 0) class_tmp[mask] = 2 classification = numpy.maximum(class_tmp, classification) if ground is not None: classification[ground == 1] = 1 return classification
[docs]def run_voxel_hancock2016(infiles, controls, otherargs, outfiles): """ Main function for VOXEL_HANCOCK2016 The gap fraction of each voxel is the ratio of the number of beams that reach the voxel to the number that could have passed through. """ # define 3D voxel grid otherargs.nX = int( (otherargs.bounds[3] - otherargs.bounds[0]) / otherargs.voxelsize[0] ) otherargs.nY = int( (otherargs.bounds[4] - otherargs.bounds[1]) / otherargs.voxelsize[1] ) otherargs.nZ = int( (otherargs.bounds[5] - otherargs.bounds[2]) / otherargs.voxelsize[2] ) otherargs.voxDimX = otherargs.bounds[3] - otherargs.bounds[0] otherargs.voxDimY = otherargs.bounds[4] - otherargs.bounds[1] otherargs.voxDimZ = otherargs.bounds[5] - otherargs.bounds[2] # initialize summary voxel arrays summaryOutputs = ["scans","cover","class"] otherargs.outgrids = collections.OrderedDict() nVox = otherargs.nZ * otherargs.nY * otherargs.nX otherargs.outgrids["scans"] = numpy.zeros(nVox, dtype=numpy.uint8) otherargs.outgrids["cover"] = numpy.zeros(nVox, dtype=numpy.float32) otherargs.outgrids["class"] = numpy.zeros(nVox, dtype=numpy.uint8) wtot = numpy.zeros(nVox, dtype=numpy.float32) # set ground boundary for voxel traversal if otherargs.externaldem is not None: if (otherargs.dataDem.shape[1] != otherargs.nX) or (otherargs.dataDem.shape[0] != otherargs.nY): msg = 'External DEM size X and Y dimensions must be the same as the voxel grid' raise spatial.SpatialException(msg) otherargs.outgrids["gvox"] = numpy.zeros((otherargs.nZ,otherargs.nY,otherargs.nX), dtype=numpy.uint8) x,y = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(otherargs.nX), numpy.arange(otherargs.nY)) z = ((otherargs.dataDem - otherargs.bounds[2]) / otherargs.voxelsize[2]).astype(numpy.uint) otherargs.outgrids["gvox"][z,y,x] = 1 otherargs.outgrids["gvox"] = otherargs.outgrids["gvox"].reshape(nVox) else: otherargs.outgrids["gvox"] = numpy.zeros(nVox, dtype=numpy.uint8) # loop through each scan outputSuffix = os.path.splitext(outfiles[0])[1] scanOutputs = ["hits","miss","occl","pgap"] for i,infile in enumerate(infiles): # initialize scan voxel arrays otherargs.scangrids = collections.OrderedDict() otherargs.scangrids["hits"] = numpy.zeros(nVox, dtype=numpy.float32) otherargs.scangrids["miss"] = numpy.zeros(nVox, dtype=numpy.float32) otherargs.scangrids["occl"] = numpy.zeros(nVox, dtype=numpy.float32) otherargs.scangrids["plen"] = numpy.ones(nVox, dtype=numpy.float32) # run the voxelization print("Voxel traversing %s" % infile) dataFiles = canopycommon.prepareInputFiles(infiles, otherargs, index=i) lidarprocessor.doProcessing(runVoxelization, dataFiles, controls=controls, otherArgs=otherargs) # calculate scan grids nshots = otherargs.scangrids["miss"] + otherargs.scangrids["hits"] otherargs.scangrids["pgap"] = numpy.where(nshots > 0, otherargs.scangrids["miss"] / nshots, VOXEL_NULL) w = numpy.where(nshots > 0, (nshots / (nshots + otherargs.scangrids["occl"])) * otherargs.scangrids["plen"], 0) # update summary grids otherargs.outgrids["scans"] += numpy.uint8(nshots > 0) otherargs.outgrids["cover"] += numpy.where(nshots > 0, (1 - otherargs.scangrids["pgap"]) * w, 0) wtot += w otherargs.outgrids["class"] = classify_voxels(otherargs.scangrids["hits"], otherargs.scangrids["miss"], \ otherargs.scangrids["occl"], otherargs.outgrids["class"], ground=otherargs.outgrids["gvox"]) # write output scan voxel arrays to image files for gridname in scanOutputs: outfile = "%s.%s%s" % (os.path.splitext(infile)[0], gridname, outputSuffix) iw = spatial.ImageWriter(outfile, tlx=otherargs.bounds[0], tly=otherargs.bounds[4], binSize=otherargs.voxelsize[0], \ driverName=otherargs.rasterdriver, epsg=otherargs.proj[0], numBands=otherargs.nZ, nullVal=VOXEL_NULL) otherargs.scangrids[gridname].shape = (otherargs.nZ, otherargs.nY, otherargs.nX) for i in range(otherargs.nZ): iw.setLayer(otherargs.scangrids[gridname][i], layerNum=i+1) iw.close() # calculate vertical cover profiles using conditional probability otherargs.outgrids["cover"] = numpy.where(wtot > 0, otherargs.outgrids["cover"] / wtot, 0) otherargs.outgrids["cover"].shape = (otherargs.nZ, otherargs.nY, otherargs.nX) otherargs.outgrids["gvox"].shape = (otherargs.nZ, otherargs.nY, otherargs.nX) otherargs.outgrids["gvox"] = numpy.cumsum(otherargs.outgrids["gvox"][::-1], axis=0)[::-1] n = otherargs.nZ - 1 for i in range(n-1,-1,-1): p_o = otherargs.outgrids["cover"][i+1] p_i = otherargs.outgrids["cover"][i] otherargs.outgrids["cover"][i] = p_o + (1 - p_o) * p_i otherargs.outgrids["cover"][i] = numpy.where(otherargs.outgrids["gvox"][i] == 0, \ otherargs.outgrids["cover"][i], VOXEL_NULL) # write output summary voxel arrays to image files otherargs.outgrids["scans"].shape = (otherargs.nZ, otherargs.nY, otherargs.nX) otherargs.outgrids["class"].shape = (otherargs.nZ, otherargs.nY, otherargs.nX) for i,gridname in enumerate(summaryOutputs): iw = spatial.ImageWriter(outfiles[i], tlx=otherargs.bounds[0], tly=otherargs.bounds[4], binSize=otherargs.voxelsize[0], \ driverName=otherargs.rasterdriver, epsg=otherargs.proj[0], numBands=otherargs.nZ, nullVal=VOXEL_NULL) for j in range(otherargs.nZ): iw.setLayer(otherargs.outgrids[gridname][j], layerNum=j+1) iw.close()
[docs]def runVoxelization(data, otherargs): """ Voxelization function for the lidar processor """ # read the pulse data pulsecolnames = ['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS','ZENITH','AZIMUTH','X_ORIGIN','Y_ORIGIN','Z_ORIGIN'] pulses = data.inFiles[0].getPulses(colNames=pulsecolnames) if pulses.shape[0] > 0: # read the point data if otherargs.lidardriver[0] == "SPDV3": pointcolnames = ['X','Y','Z','RANGE','CLASSIFICATION','RETURN_ID'] else: pointcolnames = ['X','Y','Z','RANGE','CLASSIFICATION','RETURN_NUMBER'] pulses['ZENITH'] = numpy.radians(pulses['ZENITH']) pulses['AZIMUTH'] = numpy.radians(pulses['AZIMUTH']) pointsByPulses = data.inFiles[0].getPointsByPulse(colNames=pointcolnames) # calculate the unit direction vector dx = numpy.sin(pulses['ZENITH']) * numpy.sin(pulses['AZIMUTH']) dy = numpy.sin(pulses['ZENITH']) * numpy.cos(pulses['AZIMUTH']) dz = numpy.cos(pulses['ZENITH']) # temporary arrays max_nreturns = numpy.max(pulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS']) voxIdx = numpy.empty(max_nreturns, dtype=numpy.uint32) # run the voxelization runTraverseVoxels(pulses['X_ORIGIN'], pulses['Y_ORIGIN'], pulses['Z_ORIGIN'], \ pointsByPulses['X'].data, pointsByPulses['Y'].data, pointsByPulses['Z'].data, dx, dy, dz, \ pulses['NUMBER_OF_RETURNS'], otherargs.voxDimX, otherargs.voxDimY, otherargs.voxDimZ, \ otherargs.nX, otherargs.nY, otherargs.nZ, otherargs.bounds, otherargs.voxelsize, \ otherargs.scangrids["hits"], otherargs.scangrids["miss"], otherargs.scangrids["occl"], \ otherargs.outgrids["gvox"], otherargs.scangrids["plen"], voxIdx)
@jit(nopython=True) def runTraverseVoxels(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, dx, dy, dz, number_of_returns, voxDimX, voxDimY, voxDimZ, \ nX, nY, nZ, bounds, voxelSize, hitsArr, missArr, occlArr, gvoxArr, plenArr, voxIdx): """ Loop through each pulse and run voxel traversal """ for i in range(number_of_returns.shape[0]): traverseVoxels(x0[i], y0[i], z0[i], x1[:,i], y1[:,i], z1[:,i], dx[i], dy[i], dz[i], \ nX, nY, nZ, voxDimX, voxDimY, voxDimZ, bounds, voxelSize, number_of_returns[i], \ hitsArr, missArr, occlArr, gvoxArr, plenArr, voxIdx) @jit(nopython=True) def traverseVoxels(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, dx, dy, dz, nX, nY, nZ, voxDimX, voxDimY, voxDimZ, \ bounds, voxelSize, number_of_returns, hitsArr, missArr, occlArr, gvoxArr, plenArr, voxIdx): """ A fast and simple voxel traversal algorithm through a 3D voxel space (J. Amanatides and A. Woo, 1987) Inputs: x0, y0, z0 x1, y1, z1 dx, dy, dz nX, nY, nZ bounds voxelSize number_of_returns gvoxArr voxIdx Outputs: hitsArr missArr occlArr plenArr """ intersect, tmin, tmax = gridIntersection(x0, y0, z0, dx, dy, dz, bounds) if intersect == 1: tmin = max(0, tmin) tmax = min(1, tmax) startX = x0 + tmin * dx startY = y0 + tmin * dy startZ = z0 + tmin * dz x = numpy.floor( ((startX - bounds[0]) / voxDimX) * nX ) y = numpy.floor( ((startY - bounds[1]) / voxDimY) * nY ) z = numpy.floor( ((startZ - bounds[2]) / voxDimZ) * nZ ) for i in range(number_of_returns): px = numpy.floor( ((x1[i] - bounds[0]) / voxDimX) * nX ) py = numpy.floor( ((y1[i] - bounds[1]) / voxDimY) * nY ) pz = numpy.floor( ((z1[i] - bounds[2]) / voxDimZ) * nZ ) voxIdx[i] = int(px + nX * py + nX * nY * pz) if x == nX: x -= 1 if y == nY: y -= 1 if z == nZ: z -= 1 if dx > 0: tVoxelX = (x + 1) / nX stepX = 1 elif dx < 0: tVoxelX = x / nX stepX = -1 else: tVoxelX = (x + 1) / nX stepX = 0 if dy > 0: tVoxelY = (y + 1) / nY stepY = 1 elif dy < 0: tVoxelY = y / nY stepY = -1 else: tVoxelY = (y + 1) / nY stepY = 0 if dz > 0: tVoxelZ = (z + 1) / nZ stepZ = 1 elif dz < 0: tVoxelZ = z / nZ stepZ = -1 else: tVoxelZ = (z + 1) / nZ stepZ = 0 voxelMaxX = bounds[0] + tVoxelX * voxDimX voxelMaxY = bounds[1] + tVoxelY * voxDimY voxelMaxZ = bounds[2] + tVoxelZ * voxDimZ if dx == 0: tMaxX = tmax tDeltaX = tmax else: tMaxX = tmin + (voxelMaxX - startX) / dx tDeltaX = voxelSize[0] / abs(dx) if dy == 0: tMaxY = tmax tDeltaY = tmax else: tMaxY = tmin + (voxelMaxY - startY) / dy tDeltaY = voxelSize[1] / abs(dy) if dz == 0: tMaxZ = tmax tDeltaZ = tmax else: tMaxZ = tmin + (voxelMaxZ - startZ) / dz tDeltaZ = voxelSize[2] / abs(dz) gnd = 0 wmiss = 1.0 woccl = 0.0 if number_of_returns > 0: w = 1.0 / number_of_returns else: w = 0.0 while (x < nX) and (x >= 0) and (y < nY) and (y >= 0) and (z < nZ) and (z >= 0): vidx = int(x + nX * y + nX * nY * z) if (gvoxArr[vidx] == 1) or (gnd == 1): occlArr[vidx] += 1.0 gnd = 1 for i in range(number_of_returns): if (vidx == voxIdx[i]) and (gnd == 0): hitsArr[vidx] += w woccl += w wmiss -= w if gnd == 0: occlArr[vidx] += woccl missArr[vidx] += wmiss if tMaxX < tMaxY: if tMaxX < tMaxZ: x += stepX tMaxX += tDeltaX else: z += stepZ tMaxZ += tDeltaZ else: if tMaxY < tMaxZ: y += stepY tMaxY += tDeltaY else: z += stepZ tMaxZ += tDeltaZ @jit(nopython=True) def gridIntersection(x0, y0, z0, dx, dy, dz, bounds): """ Voxel grid intersection test using Smits algorithm Inputs: x0, y0, z0 dz, dy, dz bounds Outputs: intersect: 0 = no intersection, 1 = intersection tmin: min distance from the beam origin tmax: max distance from the beam origin """ if dx != 0: divX = 1.0 / dx else: divX = 1.0 if divX >= 0: tmin = (bounds[0] - x0) * divX tmax = (bounds[3] - x0) * divX else: tmin = (bounds[3] - x0) * divX tmax = (bounds[0] - x0) * divX if dy != 0: divY = 1.0 / dy else: divY = 1.0 if divY >= 0: tymin = (bounds[1] - y0) * divY tymax = (bounds[4] - y0) * divY else: tymin = (bounds[4] - y0) * divY tymax = (bounds[1] - y0) * divY if (tmin > tymax) or (tymin > tmax): intersect = 0 tmin = -1.0 else: if tymin > tmin: tmin = tymin if tymax < tmax: tmax = tymax if dz != 0: divZ = 1.0 / dz else: divZ = 1.0 if divZ >= 0: tzmin = (bounds[2] - z0) * divZ tzmax = (bounds[5] - z0) * divZ else: tzmin = (bounds[5] - z0) * divZ tzmax = (bounds[2] - z0) * divZ if (tmin > tzmax) or (tzmin > tmax): intersect = 0 tmin = -1.0 else: if tzmin > tmin: tmin = tzmin if tzmax < tmax: tmax = tzmax intersect = 1 return intersect,tmin,tmax