Source code for pylidar.toolbox.interpolation

Functions which can be used to perform interpolation of point data
# This file is part of PyLidar
# Copyright (C) 2015 John Armston, Pete Bunting, Neil Flood, Sam Gillingham
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function, division

import os
import numpy

# See which interpolator we have access to
haveScipyInterp = True
    import scipy.interpolate
except ImportError:
    haveScipyInterp = False

# Have had trouble with CGAL on some datasets
# Current preference is to use PyNNInterp (below)
# But we have left support in just in case.
haveCGALInterpPy = True
    import cgalinterp
except ImportError as cgalInterpErr:
    haveCGALInterpPy = False
# Preferred interpolator - see
havePyNNInterp = True
    import pynninterp
except ImportError:
    havePyNNInterp = False

# Exception type for this module
[docs]class InterpolationError(Exception): "Interpolation Error"
[docs]def interpGrid(xVals, yVals, zVals, gridCoords, method='pynn'): """ A function to interpolate values to a regular gridCoords given an irregular set of input data points * xVals is an array of X coordinates for known points * yVals is an array of Y coordinates for known points * zVals is an array of values associated with the X,Y points to be interpolated * gridCoords is a 2D array with the X,Y values for each 'pixel' in the grid; use * method is a string specifying the method of interpolation to use, 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'cgalnn', 'pynn', 'pylinear' returns grid of float64 values with the same dimensions are the gridCoords with interpolated Z values. """ if (xVals.shape != yVals.shape) & (yVals.shape != zVals.shape): raise InterpolationError("X, Y and Z inputs did not have the same shapes.") if xVals.shape[0] < 4: raise InterpolationError("Must have at least 4 input points to create interpolator") if method == 'nearest' or method == 'linear' or method == 'cubic': if not haveScipyInterp: msg = "scipy must be installed for nearest, linear or cubic" raise InterpolationError(msg) interpZ = scipy.interpolate.griddata((xVals, yVals), zVals, (gridCoords[0].flatten(), gridCoords[1].flatten()), method=method, rescale=True) interpZ = interpZ.astype(numpy.float64) out = numpy.reshape(interpZ, gridCoords[0].shape) elif method == 'cgalnn': if not haveCGALInterpPy: msg = "The cgalinterp python bindings required for natural neighbour interpolation and could not be imported" raise InterpolationError(msg) xVals = xVals.astype(numpy.float64) yVals = yVals.astype(numpy.float64) zVals = zVals.astype(numpy.float64) try: out = cgalinterp.NaturalNeighbour(xVals, yVals, zVals, gridCoords[0], gridCoords[1]) except Exception as e: # rethrow cgalinterp exception type so it can be more easily caught raise InterpolationError(str(e)) elif method == 'pynn': if not havePyNNInterp: msg = "The pynninterp python bindings required for natural neighbour interpolation and could not be imported" raise InterpolationError(msg) xVals = xVals.astype(numpy.float64) yVals = yVals.astype(numpy.float64) zVals = zVals.astype(numpy.float64) if isinstance(gridCoords, numpy.ndarray): gridCoords = gridCoords.astype(numpy.float64) else: gridCoords = (gridCoords[0].astype(numpy.float64), gridCoords[1].astype(numpy.float64)) try: out = pynninterp.NaturalNeighbour(xVals, yVals, zVals, gridCoords[0], gridCoords[1]) except Exception as e: # rethrow pynninterp exception type so it can be more easily caught raise InterpolationError(str(e)) elif method == 'pylinear': if not havePyNNInterp: msg = "The pynninterp python bindings required for linear (TIN?) interpolation and could not be imported" raise InterpolationError(msg) xVals = xVals.astype(numpy.float64) yVals = yVals.astype(numpy.float64) zVals = zVals.astype(numpy.float64) if isinstance(gridCoords, numpy.ndarray): gridCoords = gridCoords.astype(numpy.float64) else: gridCoords = (gridCoords[0].astype(numpy.float64), gridCoords[1].astype(numpy.float64)) try: out = pynninterp.Linear(xVals, yVals, zVals, gridCoords[0], gridCoords[1]) except Exception as e: # rethrow pynninterp exception type so it can be more easily caught raise InterpolationError(str(e)) else: raise InterpolationError("Interpolaton method '%s' was not recognised" % method) return out
[docs]def interpPoints(xVals, yVals, zVals, ptCoords, method='pynn'): """ A function to interpolate values to a set of points given an irregular set of input data points * xVals is an array of X coordinates for known points * yVals is an array of Y coordinates for known points * zVals is an array of values associated with the X,Y points to be interpolated * ptCoords is a 2D array with pairs of xy values (shape: N*2) * method is a string specifying the method of interpolation to use, 'pynn' is the only currently implemented one. returns 1d array with Z values. """ if method == 'pynn': if not havePyNNInterp: msg = "The nninterp python bindings required for natural neighbour interpolation and could not be imported" raise InterpolationError(msg) out = pynninterp.NaturalNeighbourPts(xVals, yVals, zVals, ptCoords) elif method == 'cgalnn': if not haveCGALInterpPy: msg = "The cgalinterp python bindings required for natural neighbour interpolation and could not be imported" raise InterpolationError(msg) out = cgalinterp.NaturalNeighbourPts(xVals, yVals, zVals, ptCoords) else: raise InterpolationError("Interpolaton method '%s' was not recognised" % method) return out