Source code for pylidar.toolbox.translate.translatecommon

Common data and functions for translation

# This file is part of PyLidar
# Copyright (C) 2015 John Armston, Pete Bunting, Neil Flood, Sam Gillingham
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function, division

import copy
import numpy
from pylidar import lidarprocessor
from pylidar.lidarformats import generic
from pylidar.lidarformats import spdv4
from pylidar.toolbox import arrayutils
from rios import cuiprogress

PULSE_DEFAULT_SCALING = {'X_ORIGIN':[100.0, 0.0], 'Y_ORIGIN':[100.0, 0.0],
    'Z_ORIGIN':[100.0, 0.0], 'H_ORIGIN':[100.0, 0.0], 'AZIMUTH':[100.0, 0.0], 
    'ZENITH':[100.0, 0.0], 'X_IDX':[100.0, 0.0], 'Y_IDX':[100.0, 0.0],
    'AMPLITUDE_PULSE':[100.0, 0.0], 'WIDTH_PULSE':[100.0, 0.0]}
"Default scaling for pulses"
# add in the spdv4 types
for key in PULSE_DEFAULT_SCALING.keys():
    dtype = spdv4.PULSE_FIELDS[key]

POINT_DEFAULT_SCALING = {'X':[100.0, 0.0], 'Y':[100.0, 0.0], 
    'Z':[100.0, -100.0], 'HEIGHT':[100.0, -100.0], 'INTENSITY':[1.0, 0.0],
    'RANGE':[100.0, 0.0], 'AMPLITUDE_RETURN':[1.0, 0.0],
    'WIDTH_RETURN':[1.0, 0.0], 'RHO_APP':[10000.0, 0.0]}
"default scaling for points"
# add in the spdv4 types
for key in POINT_DEFAULT_SCALING.keys():
    dtype = spdv4.POINT_FIELDS[key]

"default scaling for waveforms"
# add in the spdv4 types
    dtype = spdv4.WAVEFORM_FIELDS[key]

"all the default scalings as a dictionary"

HEADER = 'header'


STRING_TO_DTYPE = {'INT8':numpy.int8, 'UINT8':numpy.uint8, 'INT16':numpy.int16,
    'UINT16':numpy.uint16, 'INT32':numpy.int32, 'UINT32':numpy.uint32,
    'INT64':numpy.int64, 'UINT64':numpy.uint64, 'FLOAT32':numpy.float32,
"String to numpy dtype dictionary"
"Code that means: use the default type"

[docs]def checkRange(expectRange, points, pulses, waveforms=None): """ Checks the expected range against the data that has been passed. Raises an exception if data is outside of range * expectRange is a list of tuples with (type, varname, min, max). * points, pulses and waveforms are the arrays to check """ if expectRange is None: return for dataType, varName, minVal, maxVal in expectRange: if dataType == POINT: arr = points elif dataType == PULSE: arr = pulses elif dataType == WAVEFORM: arr = waveforms else: msg = 'Unknown data type %s' % dataType raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) if arr is None: continue if varName not in arr.dtype.fields: msg = 'Could not find field %s in input data' % varName raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) dataMin = arr[varName].min() if dataMin < float(minVal): msg = 'Minimum value found (%f) less than range minimum (%s)' msg = msg % (dataMin, minVal) raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg) dataMax = arr[varName].max() if dataMax > float(maxVal): msg = 'Maximum value found (%f) greater than range minimum (%s)' msg = msg % (dataMax, maxVal) raise generic.LiDARInvalidData(msg)
[docs]def setOutputScaling(scalingDict, output): """ Set the scaling on the output SPD V4 file. Designed to be called from inside a lidarprocessor function so output should be an instance of :class:`pylidar.userclasses.LidarData`. scalingDict should be what was returned by overRideDefaultScalings(). """ # pulses pulseScalingDict = scalingDict[lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_PULSES] for field in pulseScalingDict: gain, offset, dtype = pulseScalingDict[field] output.setScaling(field, lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_PULSES, gain, offset) output.setNativeDataType(field, lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_PULSES, dtype) # points pointScalingDict = scalingDict[lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_POINTS] for field in pointScalingDict: gain, offset, dtype = pointScalingDict[field] output.setScaling(field, lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_POINTS, gain, offset) output.setNativeDataType(field, lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_POINTS, dtype) # waveforms waveformScalingDict = scalingDict[lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_WAVEFORMS] for field in waveformScalingDict: gain, offset, dtype = waveformScalingDict[field] output.setScaling(field, lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_WAVEFORMS, gain, offset) output.setNativeDataType(field, lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_WAVEFORMS, dtype)
[docs]def setOutputNull(nullVals, output): """ Set the null values. nullVals should be a list of (type, varname, value) tuples Designed to be called from inside a lidarprocessor function so output should be an instance of :class:`pylidar.userclasses.LidarData`. """ if nullVals is None: return for typeName, varName, value in nullVals: value = float(value) if typeName not in NAME_TO_CODE_DICT: msg = 'unrecognised type %s' % typeName raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) code = NAME_TO_CODE_DICT[typeName] output.setNullValue(varName, code, value)
[docs]def addConstCols(constCols, points, pulses, waveforms=None): """ Add constant columns to points, pulses or waveforms constCols is a list of tupes with (type, varname, dtype, value) """ if constCols is not None: for typeName, varName, dtypeName, value in constCols: if dtypeName not in STRING_TO_DTYPE: msg = "unrecognised dtype string %s" % dtypeName raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) dtypeCode = STRING_TO_DTYPE[dtypeName] # I *think* this is safe since we set the dtype explicitly value = float(value) # TODO: what to do if array is None?? if typeName == PULSE: pulses = arrayutils.addFieldToStructArray(pulses, varName, dtypeCode, value) elif typeName == POINT: points = arrayutils.addFieldToStructArray(points, varName, dtypeCode, value) elif typeName == WAVEFORM: points = arrayutils.addFieldToStructArray(points, varName, dtypeCode, value) else: msg = "unrecognised type %s" % typeName raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) return points, pulses, waveforms
[docs]def overRideDefaultScalings(scaling): """ Any scalings given on the commandline should over-ride the default behaviours. if scalings is not None then it is assumed to be a list of tuples with (type, varname, type, gain, offset). Returns a dictionary keyed on lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_PULSES, lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_POINTS, or lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_WAVEFORMS. Each value in this dictionary is in turn a dictionary keyed on the column name in which each value is a tuple with gain, offset and dtype. """ scalingsDict = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_SCALING) if scaling is not None: for (typeName, varName, dtypeName, gainStr, offsetStr) in scaling: gain = float(gainStr) offset = float(offsetStr) typeName = typeName.upper() dtypeName = dtypeName.upper() if typeName not in NAME_TO_CODE_DICT: msg = 'unrecognised type %s' % typeName raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) code = NAME_TO_CODE_DICT[typeName] if dtypeName == DEFAULT_DTYPE_STR: # look up spdv4 to see what it uses SPDV4fieldsdict = {lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_POINTS:spdv4.POINT_FIELDS, lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_PULSES:spdv4.PULSE_FIELDS, lidarprocessor.ARRAY_TYPE_WAVEFORMS:spdv4.WAVEFORM_FIELDS} SPDV4fields = SPDV4fieldsdict[code] if varName not in SPDV4fields: msg = '%s is not a SPDV4 standard column for %s' msg = msg % (varName, typeName) raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) dtype = SPDV4fields[varName] else: if dtypeName not in STRING_TO_DTYPE: msg = 'unrecognised data type %s' % dtypeName raise generic.LiDARInvalidSetting(msg) dtype = STRING_TO_DTYPE[dtypeName] scalingsDict[code][varName] = (gain, offset, dtype) return scalingsDict